Audible Surgeon For Computer
I thought I'd share my design of a bulb plug that I had for a computer. There's nothing new in the scheme, standard pattern, based on Borisov's pattern from Radio's 1976 No. 3 p. 52.
The insurgent at home is loaded on S-90 columns with resistance from 4 Oma. The nominal power of the forcer 1, 5 to 2 wt, but this power is sufficient to unload the columns and sound the room.
Collect force In a stereo version, on 6F5P lamps. The schemes of both channels are the same, so there is only one channel.
The diagram does not require the installation, operation immediately, and any existing lamps, such as 6F3P, 6F4P (the output in this case will be slightly reduced), as the combined bulbs 6P14P and inlet 6H1P, 6C1P, may also be placed with pentodes in triple use - 6G3P, 6G5P. Naturally, all these replacements with the bulb caps.
I'm sorry for the appearance, I've gathered from what was under my hand.
All the details of the forcer shall be used. Transmitted TV-1-9s can be used as weekend transformers, weekend transformers from light televisions, radios. I used TV transcripts with IP4.730.015, with a primary containing 3,000 turns, a second. I've really done them a little. The earring used the same thing, made new carcasses and just split the primary into three parts of 1,000 turns. After the first part of the primary washing, changed the direction of the second part, then the third part of the urine in the same direction as the first.
Then all the parts were connected in series. Secondary hamster for 91 wirings 0, 35, after each part of the primary. Then all three secondary movs connected in parallel.
It's a hint. It's easier and better for sound.
As I said, the forcer works on the 4th S-90 Column columns and the power room has enough. ♪ ♪
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